A Whole lotta WIPs
>> Thursday, January 27, 2011
In the last couple of weeks I have been suffering from an acute case of 'no finishing'. I think since the holidays are over and everything has been put away and restored to 'normal' I just can't seem to really get the energy to finish any of my projects. I started off all right but I have spiralled downwards into -let's start this and not finish that-. So in an effort to spur myself to the finish line with all the various projects I have lurking around my house I am going to list them here and hopefully seeing it all laid out together will help me :)
First up is a cardigan for my son. I have knit the thing three times and every time it doesn't come out right. It is just a bit too snug for my liking and so I get to the point where all I need to do is weave in ends, add pockets, and a zipper and I frog it.....three times people....So now it sits and I just don't have the heart to frog it again but it is still just a bit too snug despite my meticulous measuring and measuring and measuring....
And if I didn't have enough going on I also started a sweater for my daughter. I had the pink, the pattern is adorable and it is winter so what they hey? I have nothing better to do right?
The one thing I have managed to finish recently is a small case for my little camera. I have a beautiful Canon that I love shooting with but it is a bit bulky to tote around so last mother's day my husband and children purchased me this little camera. It is the perfect size to always have with me at all times and has come in very handy. All I needed was some bulky yarn leftover from a sweater, knowledge of moss stitch, and the measurements of my camera. Nice and thick it is perfect to keep the camera protected in my bag.
So now I think you all have a small idea of what my to-do list looks like and this isn't even complete....there are still a few things hanging out there. Hopefully my weekend will include some much needed downtime to finish some of these items....what is on your to-do list? Read more...