Wedding and other musings
>> Thursday, July 3, 2008
Before anything else gets said I want to show you a couple of pictures of my daughters flower girl dress. My mother made it can you believe it? Here is a picture of the front. She made a bow tie and cumber bum for the ring bearer out of the purple that she used here for the cumber bum on the flower girl dress. Unfortunately the ring bearer wasn't in a cooperative place by the time the wedding took place and so we don't have any pictures of him.

The skirt on the dress is layered in tiers and to my daughters delight twirls out beautifully on the dance floor.

It was made using a Butterick pattern and was perfect. The wrap that I made was never used due to the surprising heatwave that occurred that weekend. Rumor has it that the temperature was about 15 degrees above normal. Needless to say no wraps were needed. I would like to add that though the day was warm and the night as well, by the time the ceremony had started a cloud cover had taken hold of the sky. It was a perfect temperature to stand and support my sister in marriage. No one was "melting" at the altar. The rest of the evening progressed that way. There was never any need for sweaters or wraps but it wasn't unbearably hot as well. The weather gods took pity on my sister and blessed her wedding day. She was gorgeous.

I would also like to take a moment and stop to smell the flowers.

Since starting this blog and subsequently treading out into the world of blogging I have started feeling more grateful and living more consciously. What I mean by that is I am someone who feels very comfortable with structure. I like lists and schedules and a clear cut idea of what needs to get done. I enjoy crossing things off my to-do list as much as I enjoy creating the list in the first place. Since having children I feel like I am always rushing from one list to the next. Birthdays, holidays, trips, entertaining. All of these things have taken on a whole new life now that I have two small people to plan for as well as myself. The lists are taking over. This blog has helped me to slow down and enjoy more. I still have lists. This last trip for the wedding and then our two-day vacation afterword provided me with plenty of opportunites to make lists. My blog though has forced me to sit down and think about what I want to blog about and what is going on in my life. It is encouraging me to make my days enjoyable with my children and friends so that I can share it all with you. Photographing projects and taking the time to write it all out forces me to sit back and enjoy what is going on instead of rushing off to the next item on my list. I find myself planning fun knitting projects or searching for a new recipe in the hopes that I can in turn share them with all of you. It has turned the mundane into an adventure and I would like to thank everyone out there who blogs for this epiphany.
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