
>> Thursday, May 3, 2012

Whew....that was a long break.  I am tip-toeing my way back into the blogosphere.  I guess I needed a long crafting, sewing, photography, and not much knitting.  Now I feel renewed and excited and ready to jump back in.  Since I'm still finding my footing and I'm not quite sure where to start I am going to cheat and use the "Woman's Day Book" to get started....

I am much I missed the blog world.  I found out (from my timeout) that reading posts, writings posts, and working on creative projects helps me stay calm and focused

I am thankful family's health.  A friend of our family has a two year old son who needs a bone marrow transplant.  It has been so hard the last two years watching this little boy suffer as his parents and doctors scrambled to diagnose him and help him heal.

From the kitchen....I am going to make this lemon-blueberry yogurt loaf for the kids for a sweet and tart afternoon snack.  I saw my cousin link to it on pinterest and it looked to good to pass up.

I am creating...I'm hoping to get some pictures of my last two knits to post here for you all.  My needles are empty but after reading, Amy Herzog's Fit to Flatter series, I am planning on casting on Azami this weekend. 

I am soccer practice this afternoon and then tomorrow night my husband and I are going out to dinner with a friend I had growing up that I haven't seen since college.  So excited to catch up and meet her husband.

I am reading...The Game of Thrones series.  My brother loves the television series so I plan on netflixing it when I'm done reading.

I am get back in the swing of blogging.

I am kids zoom remote control cars around the living room.

Around the house...making lists for my son's fifth birthday party.  Planning an art project for the kids to make for their grandmothers for mother's day. 

Thanks for all the comments/emails and checking in with me while I took my very long sabbatical!  I hope this spring is treating you well and I'll see you again in a few days.

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